@database "MUIScreenMode" @wordwrap @NODE Main "The MUIScreenMode Preference Editor" @{u}@{b}MUIScreenMode v1.4@{ub} - 1995 Cyril DEBLE@{uu} @{i}A screenmode preference replacement using MUI.@{ui} This document describes how to use the MUIScreenMode preferences editor. Please select an item from the table of contents listed below: @{" Features " link Features } @{" Requirements " link Requirements } @{" Installation " link Installation } @{" Usage " link Usage } @{" Author " link Author } @{" Copyright & Disclaimer " link Copyright } @{" History " link History } @{" About MUI " link MUI } @ENDNODE @NODE Features " MUISrenMode Features " @{u}Description of MUIScreenMode@{uu} This program is a replacement of the Commodore ScreenMode preferences. It does the same things as Commodore's screenmode prefs but also features: - Nice font sensitive GUI (@{"MUI" link MUI }). - Fully compatible with system 3.0 screenmode. - @{"Rescan" link BT_Rech} of system screenmode list without quitting. - Supports @{"HAM" link CH_HAM} mode ! - Display mode ID in @{"Mode Properties Listview" link LV_InfoEcr}. - Open on specified pubscreen. - Use sys/prefs.catalog (No new catalog to add). - Use ENV:Def_Prefs.info @{"icon" link Preset} for preset (No more build in icon). - On-line @{"help" link Help}. - And @{"more" link History}... @ENDNODE @NODE Requirements "Requirements of MUIScreenMode" @{u}Requirements@{uu} For running MUIScreenMode you need the following software : - AmigaOS version 3.0 or better. - @{"MUI" link MUI} version 2.3 or better. @ENDNODE @NODE Installation "Installation of MUIScreenMode" @{u}Installation@{uu} To install MUIScreenMode you can use the installer script by double-clicking on its icon. If you want to install it manually it's also very easy, simply drag the MUIScreenMode icon to the prefs drawer. If you want to you can delete the old screenmode preference and rename MUIScreenMode as ScreenMode. If you want the on-line @{"help" link Help} the docs drawer should be copied to the HELP: drawer. If you want to use the @{"icon" link Preset} option you have to copy the icon in the env/ drawer to the ENV:Sys and ENVARC:Sys drawers or simply put one of yours. @ENDNODE @NODE Usage "Usage of MUIScreenMode" @{u}Usage@{uu} To use the preference editor, either double-click on its icon in Workbench, or run it from a shell. You should see the main editing @{"window" link GUI} pop up. MUIScreenMode support : @{" Running From Workbench " link WB } @{" Running From CLI " link CLI } @{" Running From a Preset icon " link Preset } @ENDNODE @NODE WB "Running from Workbench" @{u}Running from Workbench@{uu} When running fron Workbench you can use TOOLTYPES. They are used for setting the values of options given by the program, so you don't have to reset these values every time you start the program. These tooltypes are: - @{b}PUBSCREEN@{ub}: This tooltype allows to specify the public screen where the @{"GUI" link GUI} should open. Example: PUBSCREEN=DOPUS.1 - @{b}CREATEICONS@{ub}: Set this tooltype to YES if you whant MUIScreenMode to add an @{"icon" link Preset} when saving a preference file. Example: CREATEICONS=YES - @{b}FLUSHLIBS@{ub}: Set this tooltype to YES if you whant MUIScreenMode to flush MUI library when quitting. Nice for those low on memory. Example: FLUSHLIBS=YES @ENDNODE @NODE CLI "Running from CLI" @{u}Running from CLI@{uu} When running fron CLI you can use following options: - @{b}FILE@{ub}: This is the name of the preference file to load. Simply type its name as the argument. Example: MUIScreenMode SYS:Prefs/Presets/Default.screenmode - @{b}PUBSCREEN@{ub}: This is the name of the public screen where MUIScreenMode will open its @{"GUI" link GUI}. Type the name of the screen just after the PUBSCREEN keyword. Example: MUIScreenMode PUBSCREEN DOPUS.1 - @{b}EDIT@{ub}: The previously specified preference file will be edited in the @{"GUI" link GUI}. (In fact this switch is alway specified except when either the USE or the SAVE switch is specified). - @{b}USE@{ub}: The previously specified preference file will be saved to ENV:. Thus the Workbench will be updated. Same as the @{"Use Button" link BT_Utiliser} without opening the @{"GUI" link GUI}. - @{b}SAVE@{ub}: The previously specified preference file will be saved to ENV: and ENVARC: making the change permanent. Workbench will be also udated. Same as @{"Save Button" link BT_Sauver} without opening the @{"GUI" link GUI}. @ENDNODE @NODE Preset "Running from a Preset Icon" @{u}Running from a Preset Icon@{uu} When you save a preference file with an icon you can set the tooltype ACTION with the following arguments : - @{b}EDIT@{ub} : The preference file will be edited in the @{"GUI" link GUI}. Example: ACTION=EDIT - @{b}USE@{ub} : The preference file will be saved to ENV:. Thus the Workbench will be updated. Same as the @{"Use Button" link BT_Utiliser} without opening the @{"GUI" link GUI}. (This is the default argument when saving with an icon) Example: ACTION=USE - @{b}SAVE@{ub} : The preference file will be saved to ENV: and ENVARC: making the change permanent. Workbench will also be updated. Same as the @{"Save Button" link BT_Sauver} without opening the @{"GUI" link GUI}. Example: ACTION=SAVE @ENDNODE @NODE GUI "The GUI of MUIScreenMode" @{u}The GUI of MUIScreenMode@{uu} In the Borders of the window there are the usual gadgets you can find in nearly every application. First there are the close, the depth, the 2-Sizes and, at the bottom-right, the Sizing-Gadget. Additionally there's an Iconify-Gadget for iconifying the window. When using this button, the window will disappear and an AppIcon will appear in the root of the workbench. The GUI supports the standard set of preference @{"menu" link Menu} and on-line @{"help" link Help}. All gadgets of the window are explained below: @{" DisplayMode Listview " link LV_ModeAff } @{" Update Button " link BT_Rech } @{" Properties Listview " link LV_InfoEcr } @{" Colour Slider " link SL_Couleur } @{" Size String Gadgets " link GAD_String } @{" Default Gadgets " link CH_Defaut } @{" Autoscroll CheckMark " link CH_Depl } @{" HAM CheckMark " link CH_HAM } @{" Save Button " link BT_Sauver } @{" Use Button " link BT_Utiliser } @{" Cancel Button " link BT_Annuler } @ENDNODE @NODE Menu "MUIScreenMode Menu" @{u}Menu@{uu} MUIScreenMode's menus are the same as those in Commodore's screenmode. Various items are: @{i}Project Menu@{i} - @{b}Open@{ub} : Open a requester where you can choose a screenmode preset file previously saved. - @{b}Save as@{ub} : Save current screenmode settings to a preset file. An icon will be appended depending on the Create Icon option. (See below) - @{b}About@{ub} : Open the about requester. - @{b}Quit@{ub} : Leave the program without changing anything. @{i}Edit Menu@{ui} - @{b}Reset To Defaults@{ub} : Reset screenmode gadgets to their default value. (PAL mode with default sizes) - @{b}Last Saved@{ub} : Load previously saved prefs file. (The file in ENVARC:) - @{b}Restore Settings@{ub} : Load the prefs file in ENV: thus resetting gadgets to the value used when MUIScreenMode was loaded. @{i}Options Menu@{i} - @{b}Create Icons ?@{ub} : If checked the program will create an icon when saving the preference file. - @{b}Flushlibs@{ub} : If checked the program will flush the MUI library when quitting. @ENDNODE @NODE Help "On-line help" @{u}On-line help@{uu} To use the on line help simply place the mouse over the gadget you need help on and press the help key. @ENDNODE @NODE LV_ModeAff "Display Mode Listview" @{u}Display Mode Listview@{uu} Display modes available to the system are displayed in this listview. You can scan the list to discover available display modes. Every display mode shown reflects the presence of a driver in Devs/Monitors. To select a screen mode you can click on it with the mouse. The listview can be controlled using standard MUI keys or with the scrollbar. When a mode is selected the corresponding properties are updated in the @{"Mode Properties" link LV_InfoEcr } listview. You can also double-click on an entry to use it directly. (Same as the @{"use button" link BT_Utiliser }) @ENDNODE @NODE BT_Rech "Update Button" @{u}Update Button@{uu} This button allows to rescan system screen mode. Thus you can add new screen mode from Storage/Monitors without quitting MUIScreenMode. @ENDNODE @NODE LV_InfoEcr "Mode Properties Listview" @{u}Mode Properties Listview@{uu} This listview shows various information about the selected screenmode. The first line shows display name followed by display ID between brackets. Other informations are: - @{b}Visible size@{ub} : Size with overscan of the selected display mode. This size can be edited with overscan preferences. - @{b}Minimum size@{ub} : This is the minimum size supported by the selected display mode. - @{b}Maximum size@{ub} : This is the maximum size supported by the selected display mode. These values may change due to low chip memory. - @{b}Maximum colors@{ub} : This is the maximum colours supported by the selected display mode. Other properties may or may not appear depending on the selected screenmode : - @{b}Requires ECS@{ub} : The selected display mode is availlable if you have the ECS chipset. - @{b}Interlaced@{ub} : The selected display mode is interlaced. - @{b}Supports genlock@{ub} : The selected display supports video peripherals like genlocks. - @{b}Draggable@{ub} : The selected display mode supports dragging with the mouse. To drag the screen you have to click on the screen bar with left mouse button and pull up and down. This is useful to show other screens behind. - @{b}Frequencies@{ub} : The last two numbers are the horizontal and vertical frequencie. The listview can be controlled using standard MUI keys or using the scrollbar. At startup the properties list may be blank, it's because you have removed a driver from the system and thus there is no more information on this mode. Nevertheless you can select another mode and have the corresponding information. @ENDNODE @NODE SL_Couleur "Colour Slider" @{u}Colour Slider@{uu} This slider allow you to choose number of color displayed in the workbench screen. The more colours you have the slower the refresh speed of the Workbench screen and the more chip memory is used. The maximum value of the slider matches the maximum number of colours allowed by the selected screen mode.When you select HAM mode the slider can only take one or two value. This value is the HAM base palette colors: 16 for HAM6 and 64 for HAM8. If you don't have the AGA chipset only HAM6 will be available. @ENDNODE @NODE GAD_String "Size String Gadgets" @{u}Size String Gadgets@{uu} With those strings labeled Height and Width you can customise the display size of the workbench. You can write directly in string gadgets if the checkmark @{"Default" link CH_Defaut} is not checked. The value entered must be between minimum and maximum values showed in Mode Properties Listview. Once a value is entered it is unchanged whatever the display mode you select and until you checked the Default gadget. If you introduce a value under or beyond the permitted range, the string gadget will be reset to the minimum or maximum value. Almost every mode allow you to use values beyond the visible size of the screen. This virtual Workbench screen allows you to open more windows. The only limit of the virtual screen size is available chip memory. @ENDNODE @{"Size String Gadget" link GAD_String} @NODE CH_Defaut "Default Checkmark" @{u}Default Checkmark@{uu} The checkmark Default on the right of the @{"Size String Gadget" link GAD_String} allows you to directly select the default value for the height and width of the current selected display mode. These default values are in fact the visible size of the screen. @ENDNODE @NODE CH_Depl "AutoScroll Checkmark" @{u}AutoScroll Checkmark@{uu} When this checkmark is selected the Workbench screen can be scrolled when the mouse reaches the border of the screen. This is useful if you have specified screen size greater than the visible size of the screen. @ENDNODE @NODE CH_HAM "HAM Checkmark" @{u}HAM Checkmark@{uu} When this checkmark is selected the Workbench screen will be opened in HAM mode. You can select base color palette with the @{"colour slider" link SL_Couleur} (16 colors for HAM6 or 64 colors for HAM8). NOTE: This is not a hack and the HAM flag is REALLY saved in the pref file, but some programs (as multiview with guide file) witch clone the Workbench for their own screen use wrong colors when workbench is in HAM. You can avoid this by opening such programs in the workbench. In this case colors are fine but the program think he is on a NO HAM screen thus pictures are not displayed in HAM. :-( @ENDNODE @NODE BT_Sauver "Save Button" @{u}Save Button@{uu} This button is used to permanently save the preference to the system. The pref file will be saved to ENV: and ENVARC: and the program will quit. If you have opened applications on the workbench screen, the workbench may ask you to close them. @ENDNODE @NODE BT_Utiliser "Use Button" @{u}Use Button@{uu} This button is used to temporarily save the preference to the system. The pref file will be saved to ENV: and the program will quit. If you have opened applications on workbench screen, the workbench may ask you to close them. @ENDNODE @NODE BT_Annuler "Cancel Button" @{u}Cancel Button@{uu} Simply use this button to leave the program without updating anything. @ENDNODE @Node Author "Author" @{u}Author@{uu} I am 23-year-old french student in electronics engineering at ENSEA in Cergy (Ecole Nationnale superieure de Electronique et ses Applications). My current Amiga config is : - A1200 (A4000 soon) :))) - GVP A1230 (68030/40 Mhz + 68882/40 Mhz + 4 Megs) - Commodore 1942 - Overdrive CD - GVP DSS8+ Sampler MUIScreenMode is my first distributed program, I make it in C language and compiled it with SAS C v6.55. I try to be as system friendly as possible with MUIScreenMode but the only docs I have are the Commodore autodocs thus I want to know about these few points : - Does it works on graphics cards ? - What program do not work with a HAM workbench ? I plan in the future to do all Commodore's prefs with MUI. Are you interested? If you have any suggestions, comments, bug reports about MUIScreenMode, you can reach me at the following addresses: E-mail: deble@ensea.fr (preferred) S-mail: Cyril DEBLE 25 rue Campo-Formio 75013 Paris FRANCE @{i}Thanks to@{ui} - Commodore For this wonderful machine : @{b}The AMIGA@{ub}. - Eric Totel For his nice program @{i}MUIBuilder@{ui}. - Stefan Stuntz For his @{i}Magic User Interface@{ui}. - Christophe "Oscar" Vall For @{i}Visual@{ui}; a nice thumbnails manager. (Look on aminet) - All other PD authors From witch I learned and borrowed a lot. - Chritoph Granz For German docs. - Johan Sundstrom For peering and correcting my English doc. And for is swedish docs and his icon. @EndNode @NODE Copyright "Copyright & Disclaimer" @{u}Copyright@{uu} MUIScreenMode is Copyright by Cyril DEBLE in 1995. MUIScreenMode has to be distributed as it comes. The Package must not be changed in any way. You must not do any profit by selling this Package ! For distributing it you can use every usual media, like floppy-disks, CD, hard-disks, networks etc. MUIScreenMode is MAILWARE, if you use this program after testing it a few days, you can send me a message to tell me your opinion about MUIScreenMode. My EMail address is @{"here" link Author}. @{u}Disclaimer@{uu} THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @ENDNODE @NODE History "MUIScreenMode History" @{u}History@{uu} @{b}Version 1.0 (21/3/95)@{ub} - First public release @{b}Version 1.1 (5/4/95)@{ub} - RelVerify flag for USE,SAVE and CANCEL button was not set. - Display monitor frequencies in Display info listview. - Restricted HAM mode to 6 or 8 bitplanes. - Now check if HAM is available for the selected screenmode if not -> ghost HAM gadget. - Works now with ECS and OLD chipsets. - Corrected min size, now 640x200 for all except for A2024 (1024x1024). - ScreenModes are now sorted in the screenmode listview. - Selected mode is shown in the mode list at startup. - French docs. - Installer Script. @{b}Version 1.2 (3/5/95)@{ub} - Doubleclick on a mode to use it.(No more about requester) ;-) - When you click on a mode with less color than the current color value this one is saved. (Load A2024 monitor and scan all the screenmode to see this feature) - Size of height and widh string gadget are fixed, values are now never hidden. - The screenmode listview can be controlled with the keyboard at startup. - Installer script was not installing the Def_Prefs icon. @{b}version 1.3 (11/5/95)@{ub} - Little bugfixes. - German docs. @{b}version 1.4 (8/6/95)@{ub} - Corrected English and French docs. - When saving with a icon, tooltype is set to the program name ie MUIScreenMode. (Was always Screenmode before) - Clever hotkeys for buttons. Now it use the first letter of the button string instead of a fixed letter, and if this hotkey is already used then the second letter is used and so on... - A file preset icon is not overwrited if it already exist. (Allow to keep tooltypes to their current value) - Changed locale string for load button. Now it use "Update" from workbench.catalog. - FLUSHLIBS tooltype and menu added. - About requester is back in the menu. About menu string is localised with workbench.catalog. - Tooltypes in some archive icon was wrong. - One string was not localised in the iff parser. - Load requester was reseting gadgets values when cancelled. @{b}Version 1.5 (20/6/95)@{ub} - Swedish docs. - Changed a bit the overall look of the docs (wordwrap,underline,bold...) @{u}Coming soon@{uu} - MUITime prefs ! (Almost 90% complete now) :-) @ENDNODE @NODE MUI "MUI Legalities" This application uses MUI - MagicUserInterface (c) Copyright 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With the aid of a preferences program, the user of an application has the ability to customize the outfit according to his personal taste. MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing lots of examples and more information about registration please look for a file called "muiXXusr.lha" (XX means the latest version number) on your local bulletin boards or on public domain disks. If you want to register directly, feel free to send DM 30.- or US$ 20. to Stefan Stuntz Eduard-Spranger-Stra 80935 M nchen GERMANY @ENDNODE